The From Thy Bounty Fair at Catholic Cuisine has got me reminiscing about Junie B.'s First Communion. She received Jesus in the Eucharist for the first time just a year ago, on May 13, 2007 -- along with several members of our local homeschooling group, at a beautiful Dominican monastery.
One of the many blessings of that day was the beautiful homily given by Fr. Jacob Restrick, OP. He was fairly new to this monastery, and this would be his first time celebrating a First Communion for our group. His thoughtful, sincere and deeply reverent words brought tears to my eyes several times. I left that Mass believing that it was the most beautiful First Communion homily I'd ever heard.
I wondered, in retrospect, if maybe some of that opinion was colored by the joyfulness and excitement of the day -- my little baby girl was experiencing a major milestone in her eternal spiritual journey, and of course, I was very emotional. I looked forward to getting hold of the DVD of the Mass (beautifully and respectfully prepared by one of our homeschool families, who own a wonderful Catholic production company), in hopes of transcribing the homily for myself. I had hoped I wouldn't be disappointed when I heard the homily anew in the less-emotional light of a regular day at home.
Then, much to our happy surprise, the Reverend Mother sent us a copy of the homily -- it had never even occurred to me that there might already be a transcript!
I was in tears before I finished the first paragraph.
So now, on the anniversary of my little girl's entry into a new and more intimate relationship with her Lord, I'm offering this homily as a blessing to you ... especially if you are preparing a little one to receive this most holy and amazing Sacrament.
Re-reading it today brought it all back to me full-force, and I still think it's an awesome and deeply moving homily.
See if you agree.
First Communion Homily, Fr. Jacob Restrick, OP, May 13, 2007
Monsignor Calageri, Fr. Cassidy, Reverend Deacons, Reverend Mother Mary Gemma and Sisters, Sisters, family and friends of Sr. Han, reverend Mothers and Fathers; friends, relatives and our dear First Communicants, this is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Everybody is rejoicing today, do you know why? Not because it's Mothers' Day which is wonderful in itself; not because it's the Sixth Sunday of Easter and only two weeks away from Pentecost, and the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima; but because it is your First Holy Communion Day. The Dominican Nuns, whom you can't see very well, are all rejoicing and happy that you have chosen again to share this wonderful day with them. And we extend to all of them a Happy Mothers Day, because their lives of total consecration to the Lord in the cloister makes them Spiritual Mothers in the life-giving world of grace, and because they have been praying for you since before you were born.
Now, I would like to say a few things to your Mothers and Dads, so be patient for I will come back to you. Reverend Mothers and Fathers ... calling you that I see gives you a smile and even a chuckle, and I'm sure there are days or moments when you would gladly trade places with the Reverend Mothers on the other side of the grille. But you know, your vocation as husbands and wives, mothers and fathers, is a call to holiness. For most of you, it's a living out of a Sacrament, which is always a means of grace. Being a mother and father is something very reverent because is is revered by Christ, and blessed by God. So you see, you are reverend mothers and fathers.
It's rather awesome when you realize that God has entrusted to you the lives and care of His children. And so we congratulate you today for you have made this day possible. Today is a stepping-stone for your child, and a day in which you can rejoice and be so very proud because you have wanted and desired to bring them to this day. The sacrifices you have made are often unheralded, and unsung. I can only imagine what home-schooling families sacrifice. But today is one of those days that makes it all worthwhile. And you are to be commended for this, along with our First Communicants' brothers and sisters, grandparents, godparents and aunts and uncles, and friends.
Today is memorable because your children begin today a practice that will affect the rest of their lives, not just their years of academic formation; not just their teenage years and young lives as adults and parents themselves, but their whole lives into Eternity. Today they enter into a relationship with God that marks the very reason they were conceived and came into the world -- because God loves them; created them out of love; gave them to you in love; and calls them to a human and divine intimacy with Himself. You have prepared them since Baptism for this new life of grace. To grow up in the intimate friendship with the Lord is their dignity and their desitny, and I need not tell you what a challenge lies before them, and the world your children will inherit may not always see, understand or believe that. They have no idea how much they will need the strength of faith; the nourishment of spiritual food and drink; and the assurance of God's word and the Truth about life and death. But you know. You may want to give your children many wonderful things in life -- opportunity, education, travel, a million career opportunities, health and prosperity, but the most priceless gift you can give them is the example and witness of your own faith. To be able to pray the prayer of the Angel of Peace, holding the Eucharist before the children of Fatima 90 years ago, and teaching them to pray: Lord, I believe in You; I hope in You; I adore You; I love You.
Today, the Lord must look with joy and tremendous happiness on your children, because he comes to them for the First Time in this most sacred gift. He blesses them and He blesses you.
Now, boys and girls, did you hear what I just said about Jesus? I'm sure you're all excited about this day, maybe even a little nervous, but don't even think about that. Have you ever thought about how happy Jesus is today? He's been waiting all your life for this day, ever since you were baptized when you were babies, He couldn't wait to give Himself to you and He could live in you in a way He hasn't been able to before today. He couldn't wait for you to get here this morning because He wants to be your closest, very best friend. Only God could have thought of the Eucharist -- a way that He could make Himself present in the flesh, as we say, body, blood, soul and divinity -- the whole Christ.
Today will be a little different than how Holy Communion will be in your parish church because today is special -- today is the First time. But remember that every Holy Communion after today is also very, very special, not because of who you are, or who we are, but because of who Jesus is. He wants to be there for every moment of your life; and you know that He is really present in His body and blood in every tabernacle in the world, where a candle burns to mark His living presence.
Because today is the first time you receive Him in Holy Communion, we are going to make it extra special. The nuns have been practicing their chant to lift up our ears by beautiful music; we walk around the altar with incense burning so the smoke will rise up in little clouds of smoke, like our prayers and our hearts being lifted up to the Lord, in a sweet-smelling aroma. You're wearing you best clothes to look as dignified and honored as can be to welcome the King of Glory. You will receive Holy Communion one at a time so your parents and friend can pray for each of you -- one at a time; and because it's a very holy thing to do, to receive Jesus' Body and Blood, you will kneel at a special kneeler, and the Body of Jesus will be dipped into the Precious Blood, and placed on your tongue.
And after everyone has received the Lord and we are all filled with His holy presence, we will put Jesus in a special holder called a monstrance, which is there on the Eucharistic throne. Notice the beautiful blue drape behind the monstrance? It reminds us of the Blessed Virgin Mary's blue cape that she would wrap around Jesus when he was your age to keep Him warm and safe ... and so you're going to ask Mary to take all that you are and all that you will be and keep them wrapped up in her Immaculate Heart. Today is Mothers' Day, and Jesus gave us His own Mother to be our Mother too. So we all have Mary as our Mother in Heaven who is home-schooling us in her faith, hope and love. She loves kids your age, you know, and prefers to visit them more than grown-ups. Today is also the Day when she appeared in Fatima in Portugal to three children, Jacinta, Francescu and Lucia, 90 years ago. So, you see, Mary rejoices today too because you will receive Her Son, Jesus in Holy Communion.
When the excitement of the day is all over, and you've opened your cards and gifts, and had a party and packed your clothes away ... and you climb into bed tonight, remember this morning, and tell Jesus you love Him, and want Him to never stop giving Himself to you in Holy Communion until that most wonderful day when you will see Him face to face in Heaven. And ask Him to bless your Mom and Dad, your Grandmothers and Grandfathers, your aunts and uncles and cousins, and your sisters and brothers, and ask Him, please to bless His priests and deacons and most especially to bless the Sisters here who rejoice and give thanks, for this is the day the Lord has made.
Beautiful. It brought tears to my eyes too.
Posted by: Gail | May 15, 2008 at 01:49 PM
I can see why this homily was so memorable for you. The last picture of your daughter kneeling before the Monstrance is absolutely beautiful!
Posted by: ChrisV | May 16, 2008 at 04:58 PM
Very touching...Neil, my grandson, received his First Holy Communion three weeks ago. These children seem to have a glow and aura that it is hard to miss...Isn't it grand!?!
Posted by: Cathy Keller | May 16, 2008 at 07:11 PM
What beautiful pictures and sentiments!
Posted by: michelle waters | May 18, 2008 at 07:54 PM
What beautiful pictures and such an amazing reflection. Junie B. will be sure to remember this day forever!
God Bless!
Posted by: Jane | May 19, 2008 at 10:04 AM
This was so very BEAUTIFUL!!!
Posted by: Jessica | May 20, 2008 at 04:35 AM